Latest Episodes

You Can Make An Impact
This year's IMPACT Sunday message was brought by Pastor Sharon Williams. She reminded us that we are the most impactful when we do what...

Do You Believe
Pastor Larry brings some compelling insight to the essence of the Christian life. Let this word encourage and challenge you to grow stronger in...
The Growing Joe - Palace to Promises
Pastor Shawn Capozzi introduces the finale of the Growing Jow Series, from the process to prgress is maturity. This episode teaches of the lessons...

The Growing Joe - Episode 4
Senior Pastor Shawn Cpaozzi continues with the "Growing Joe" series with the Palace. God's desire is for us to rule where He has called...
Growing Joe- The Prison
Senior Pastor, Shawn Capozzi, continues the "Growing Joe" series, where Joseph landed in Prison. It was part of the process to progress, where many...

Show Up
Pastor Jodi Rodgers delivers a powerful exhortation on "just show up" and see what God can and will do!